Facebook Settlement Check: Payout Date & Amount, Latest Updates

The Facebook $725 million class action privacy settlement get the final approval on October 10, 2023, and distribution of payment is likely to begin in January/February 2025. A total 17 million user has claimed by August 25, 2023, and now each claiment is going to recieve an average of $30.

Facebook Settlement Check 

500,000 people have been rejected from the $725 million Facebook privacy settlement. The rejection emails were sent due to potential errors in user information.

If your claim was rejected, you have 10 days to appeal. The settlement is still pending final approval, with estimated payments of around $30 for qualifying individuals.

Claimants of Facebook’s $725 million settlement are going to get a payout from various payment options, which are Zelle, prepaid Mastercard, Venmo, PayPal, or a physical check

The settlement administrator, Angeion Group, assures to start distribution once the potential appeals are resolved. Individuals who were Facebook users in the United States between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, are eligible to receive a cash payment from the settlement. 

Payout Date January/February 2025)
Settlement Amount $725 million
Claim Deadline August 25, 2023
Final Approval Date October 10, 2023
Objection Deadline July 26, 2023
Review Hearing Date September 7, 2023
Distribution Date January/February 2025
Web-portal  facebookuserprivacysettlement.com/

Those who claimed the settlement $725 on or before 25 August 2023 are considered Settlement Class Members in the case known as In re: Facebook, Inc. Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation (Case No. 3:18-md-02843-VC).

Facebook Settlement Payout Date 

The payout date for the Facebook settlement is expected to commence approximately 360 days after receiving final approval, as estimated by Judge Vince Chhabria

With the final approval granted on October 10, 2023, this places the anticipated payout date in January/February 2025. However, the exact date the distribution of settlement payments is not yet disclosed officially.

Claimants who submitted valid claims on or before the August 25, 2023 deadline will receive their payouts through the opted payment method once the remaining legal proceedings are resolved.

Note: September 7 hearing was part of the process leading up to the court’s decision, while the October 10 hearing was when the court officially granted final approval to the settlement of $725 million.

Facebook $725 Settlement Important Dates 

Important date for Facebook  $725 million class action privacy settlement are as follows.

  • July 26, 2023: The deadline for users to raise objections to the settlement terms, providing an opportunity to express concerns to the court. 
  • August 25, 2023: Facebook user had this date as deadline to submit Claim Form to be eligible for a cash settlement payment of around $30.
  • October 10, 2023: The United States District Court for the Northern District of California issued an order officially granting final approval of the settlement on this date.
  • September 7, 2023: On this date hearing held to review the terms of the settlement, consider objections, and determine whether to grant final approval by the court.
  • January/February 2025: The expected date for the distribution of settlement payments, approximately 360 days after the final approval, with a potential payout starting in January/February 2025.

Facebook Settlement Amount 

The settlement amount for the Facebook privacy case is estimated to be $725 million, if you are among those 17 million claimants who successfully submitted the claim form on or before August 25, 2023, you are likely to get an average payment of $30.

The total amount of $725  is to be distributed among more than 17 million valid claims filed before the August 25, 2023 deadline. Claimants are going to get the settlement payment through the opted payment method, which are Zelle, prepaid Mastercard, Venmo, PayPal, or a physical check.

Who are eligible to get the Facebook Settlement Money?

An individual who are residing on the territory of United States and used Fecebook between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022 had the 25 August 2023 to claim settlement.

Those who have submitted a valid claim by the deadline i.e. August 25, 2023 through the https://facebookuserprivacysettlement.com/, and it is approved by the Settlement Administrator, then he or she will receive an average of $30.

How to appeal for Facebook Settlement Rejection?

If an want to change information in his or her Facebook privacy settlement claim or appeal a rejection, he or she can do it by going through the step-by-step guide below.

» Navigate to Facebook settlement Web-portal, which is only accessible at facebookuserprivacysettlement.com/.

» Lookout for an option that reads ‘SUBMIT CLAIM‘, hit on it and get redirected to another webpage.

» You will be asked to enter your Claim ID and Confirmation Code, fill in the details correctly and the hit the Submit.

After logging into the web-portal, an individual will be able to make changes in submitted details or he or she will be able appeal a rejection.