First Nation Drinking Water Settlement – Claim Deadline, Application Process, Eligibility

The settlement is an $8 billion agreement reached between Canada and certain First Nations represented by the National First Nations Water Network and the Assembly of First Nations. The claims process for individuals and communities is ongoing, with a deadline of March 7, 2024.

First Nation Drinking Water Settlement

Canada and specific First Nations, as represented by the National First Nations Water Network and the Assembly of First Nations, have come to an $8 billion settlement agreement. It addresses two key aspects:

  • Compensation: Individuals and impacted First Nations who were subject to a drinking water advisory lasting at least one year between November 20, 1995, and June 20,2021, are eligible for compensation. This includes individual payments based on the duration of the advisory and potential “specified injuries” suffered due to unsafe water. Additionally, impacted First Nations receive funding for community-level initiatives.
  • Infrastructure: The settlement allocates at least $6 billion to support the construction,operation, and maintenance of water and wastewater infrastructure in First Nations communities. This aims to ensure long-term access to safe drinking water in homes.

First Nation Drinking Water Settlement Eligibility 

To be eligible for compensation under the First Nations Drinking Water Settlement, you must meet both of the following criteria:

Be a member of a First Nation:

  • This excludes non-members who lived on First Nations land during a drinking water advisory.
  • You do not need to be a member of the specific First Nation where you resided during the advisory, but you must be registered with a First Nation somewhere in Canada.

Have been subject to a long-term drinking water advisory:

  • The advisory must have lasted at least one year between November 20, 1995, and June 20, 2021.
  • Persons under disability.
  • Minor children affected by long-term drinking water advisories, for whom a personal representative can apply
  • Individuals who experienced specified injuries related to the drinking water and associated with various types of harm, such as digestive, respiratory, dermatological, liver, neurological, bloodstream infections, and kidney issues, are also eligible for compensation .
  • The settlement also allows individuals to be eligible for compensation even if their First Nation or a First Nation on which they lived
  • does not participate in the settlement.

First Nation Drinking Water Settlement

What types of compensation are available under the first nations drinking water settlement?

Under the First Nations Drinking Water Settlement, there are three main types of compensation available:

Individual Compensation:

  • This is based on the duration of the drinking water advisory you were subject to, ranging from $500 for one year to $7,500 for 16 or more years.
  • Individuals born before November 20, 1995, have limitations and can only claim for periods between November 20, 2013, and June 20, 2021, with some exceptions.

Specified Injuries Compensation:

  • If you suffered significant and prolonged health problems that impacted your quality of life and were directly caused by the drinking water advisory, you may be eligible for additional compensation.
  • This requires medical documentation and specific criteria must be met.

Impacted First Nations Compensation:

  • First Nations that were subject to a qualifying drinking water advisory are eligible for funding for community-level initiatives.
  • The amount of funding depends on various factors, including the duration of the advisory, community population, and specific needs.

First Nations Drinking Water Settlement Application Process 

The application process for the First Nations Drinking Water Settlement offers two main avenues:

Gather documentation:

  • Proof of First Nation membership (e.g., status card).
  • Proof of residency in the affected community during the advisory (e.g., band council resolutions, utility bills,school records).
  • For specified injuries claims: medical documentation demonstrating relevant health conditions.

Choose your submission method:

  • Online:
  • Downloadable PDF:
  • Paper: Contact the Administrator for a form.

Complete the claim form:

  • Provide personal information, residency details, and advisory information.
  • Indicate if claiming for specified injuries and attach supporting documents.

Review and submit:

  • Carefully review your claim for accuracy and completeness.
  • Submit your claim form and documents before the deadline.

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