Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates Amount, Eligibility & Deadline to Claim!

Boulder County, Colorado, offers residents up to $500 in rebates for completing approved wildfire mitigation on their properties. This program aims to enhance community preparedness against wildfires. The deadline for submitting applications is October 31, 2024.

Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates

In response to the growing threat of wildfires, Boulder County has launched a new rebate program to incentivize residents to take proactive steps to protect their homes and communities. 

The Wildfire Partners Rebate Program, funded by a 2022 voter-approved sales and use tax, provides up to $500 to eligible county residents who complete approved wildfire mitigation measures. The current application deadline is October 31, 2024. 

Wildfire mitigation refers to actions taken before a wildfire occurs to reduce its severity and negative impacts, such as home destruction. The rebate program is part of Boulder County’s broader efforts to increase the pace and scale of wildfire mitigation work across the region.

Eligibility for the Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates 

The eligibility comes with some specifics to ensure the program benefits the most relevant projects. It includes:

  • Homeowners: Owning the property where the mitigation work takes place is a clear requirement.
  • Renters: Renters can also participate, but with an additional step. They need to secure written permission from their landlord authorising the specific mitigation actions and confirming the renter’s responsibility for the work.
  • The rebate applies solely to mitigation efforts completed on properties physically located within Boulder County boundaries.
  • There’s a deadline to complete the mitigation work and submit your rebate application. The current application deadline is October 31, 2024. 
  • Be sure to check the official program website for any updates regarding deadlines.
  • Eligible Mitigation Actions: The rebate applies to specific actions that demonstrably reduce wildfire risk. Some examples include:
    • Creating defensible space by clearing flammable vegetation around your home.
    • Removing juniper trees, known for their high flammability.
    • Hardening your home with fire-resistant materials like roofing and vent covers.
  • Costs Covered: The program reimburses for both labour and material costs associated with the approved mitigation work. However, there might be a cap on the total rebate amount (currently $500).

Applying for the Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates

To apply for Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates follow the below steps mentioned:

  • Visit the Wildfire Partners Rebate Program webpage at
  • Look for a section on “Apply” or “Rebates” on the webpage. It will involve creating a user account with the program. Follow the on-screen instructions to register and create your account.
  • Once logged in, you should be able to initiate a new rebate application. The application likely involves providing details like:
    • Your contact information
    • Boulder County property address for the mitigation work
    • Description of the completed mitigation project
    • Upload documentation (receipts and invoices)
  • Carefully review all the information you’ve entered in the application. Ensure everything is accurate and complete before submitting it electronically.

Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates Program Goals and Benefits

The Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebate Program is a strategic initiative designed to empower residents and bolster the county’s overall wildfire resilience. The program’s benefits it offers:

  • Financial Support: The program offers rebates of up to $500 for qualified wildfire mitigation actions, significantly easing the financial burden on homeowners making their properties fire-resistant.
  • Increased Property Value: Homes with fire mitigation measures in place are generally considered more fire-resistant and desirable by potential buyers. This can translate to increased property value in the long run.
  • Peace of Mind: Protecting your home from wildfires gives you peace of mind and a sense of security, knowing you’ve reduced the risk and are prepared for any wildfire event.
  • Community Protection: By participating in the program, you’re not just protecting your own home, but also contributing to a safer community. 
  • Widespread fire mitigation efforts create a more fire-adapted landscape, potentially minimising damage throughout the neighbourhood in the event of a wildfire.

Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebates Amount

The Boulder County Wildfire Mitigation Rebate Program offers a rebate of up to $500 to incentivize residents to take action and make their properties more fire-resistant. This rebate applies to both labour and material costs associated with the approved mitigation work.

  • Maximum Rebate: The program reimburses a maximum of $500 per household, regardless of the total project cost. Even if your mitigation project exceeds $500, the program will only cover up to that amount.
  • Covered Costs: The rebate applies to both labour costs incurred by hiring professionals to complete the mitigation work and material costs associated with purchasing necessary supplies.

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