The filing taxes 2025 date is expected to be 21 January, the due taxes date will be 15 April and the extension deadline as per previous years tax seasons’ schedule, it will be 15 October. Taxpayers have to collect information and income forms early before the official opening of tax season to avoid inconvenience.
In case of missing the deadline of filing taxes, individuals can face failure-to-file penalty of 5% which is up to 25% of the total unpaid taxes and failure-to-pay penalty of 0.5% of the unpaid taxes for each month for which the taxes are unpaid.
When can you file Taxes 2025 IRS?
International Revenue Services has not officially announced about the start date of filing tax returns but it can be expected in the last days of January after the availability of IRS Direct File in mid January.
Previous year, the tax date was 29 after the opening of Direct File on 12 January and the anticipated tax date will be 21 January this year. In previous years, tax season was opened on these dates:
- 2015: Jan. 30
- 2016: Feb. 2
- 2017: Jan. 27
- 2018: Feb. 2
- 2019: Feb. 2
- 2020: Jan. 31
- 2021: Feb. 12
- 2022: Jan. 24
- 2023: Jan. 23
- 2024: Jan. 29
- 2025 IRS Tax Refund Schedule
How can you file your taxes in 2025?
The key steps of filing taxes in 2025 in the United States are available below.
- First of all, you have to gather your W-2 forms from employers, 1099 forms for any freelance or contract work, records of deductions and credits, and other income statements to make your filing season smoother.
- After that, you have to choose the filing option and it’s best to file through electronically to avoid delays. It’s also advised to use the IRS Direct File because it’s free and provides a step by step guide during filing.
- Whether you file electronically or on paper, you have to complete taxes forms like 1040 with your personal, income, bank details, and claims and deductions details.
- Check the accuracy of your entered information and after that submit your tax return through your chosen way.
- You can track your refund status through the IRS “Where’s My Refund” tool and in case of additional information, you can face delays.
2025 IRS tax season deadlines and penalties
The due date of taxes will be 15 April 2025 as per previous years trends and it will also be the deadline to file an extension.
Taxpayers should ensure they have all necessary documents before the opening of tax season, such as W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and other relevant financial records, to accurately complete their tax returns by this date.
The extension deadline which allows you additional six months to file taxes without extending the time to pay owed taxes will be available until 15 October 2025.
In case of missing this deadline, you can face failure-to-file penalty, which is typically 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month the return is late and up to a maximum of 25% of the total unpaid balances.
Taxpayers can also face failure-to-pay penalty of 0.5% of the unpaid taxes for each month that the taxes remain unpaid. To avoid these interests and penalties, people have to keep in mind the key deadlines of the 2025 tax season.
When can you expect your tax refund 2025?
Its most crucial query among taxpayers and the exact answer is unknown every time. According to the IRS, they typically tax for almost 21 days to refund electronic returns with direct deposit set up while paper filing requires 6 to 8 weeks longer time to refund.
Direct deposit can fasten your refund and it also provides you with security so that the chances of lost or stolen checks can be ended by setting up direct deposit. It is advised to file early to avoid delays and follow the IRS “Get Ready” page tips before and under the tax season to reduce the headache of filing taxes.