IRS Quarterly Payments 2024 – Due Dates and How to Calculate Estimated Tax?

The deadline for the IRS Quarterly Payments 2024 taxes was April 15. June 17 and September 16 are the remaining due dates, while January 2025 is when the final payment is expected.

IRS Quarterly Payments 2024

The IRS collects estimated tax payments every quarter, and they should be paid as soon as income is collected. On the other hand, regular calendar quarters do not coincide with these days. September, January, April, and June are the months when they are anticipated. 

The projected tax payments for 2024 are June 17, September 16, and April 15. January 2025 is when the last quarterly payment is due. As soon as you get money, you must pay taxes to the IRS throughout the year. 

Every time they deduct money from your paycheck, your employer is acting on your behalf if you get a W-2 and are paid a salary. However, you must make estimated quarterly payments if you earn any other forms of taxable income in addition to your W-2.

When are Estimated Tax Payments Due?

Unless a due date comes on a weekend or legal holiday, estimated tax payments are normally submitted gradually on the following quarterly tax dates: April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15 of the following year. The following is a list of the dates for the year 2024:

Payment Period Due Date
Jan. 1 to March 31 April 15, 2024
April 1 to May 31 June 17, 2024
June 1 to Aug. 31 Sept. 16, 2024
Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 15, 2025

The second “quarter” is just two months long (April 1 to May 31), while the first quarter is the first three calendar months of the year. The next three months, from June 1 to August 31, are included in the third quarter, while the last four months of the year are included in the fourth.

How to calculate quarterly estimated taxes?

There are several approaches. It all depends on how certain you are about your expected yearly income and tax liability as to which approach makes the most sense for you.

  • Estimate based on prior-year taxes. You may calculate how much you’ll owe each year and give the IRS one-fourth of that amount. For example, you would contribute $2,500 per quarter if you estimated that you would owe $10,000 by 2024. This could be most effective for those whose income is consistent throughout the year or for those who know exactly how much they will make.
  • Annualize. An alternative approach would be to calculate your yearly tax obligation using your income from the previous year. This is often preferable for those with variable incomes. In essence, you use a realistic forecast of your income and deductions for the year to determine your estimated tax obligation at the end of each quarter. To assist you with the math, the IRS offers worksheets.

Who should make estimated quarterly tax payments?

If you are a citizen or resident alien of the United States and you did not owe any taxes for the preceding full tax year, you are not required to make estimated tax payments, according to the IRS.

 Additionally, unless you have untaxed income, you most likely don’t need to pay anticipated taxes. Generally speaking, 1099 workers, W-2 employees who are not receiving enough withholding to satisfy their tax liability, corporations, and some investors may be required to make anticipated tax payments. 

People who withhold too much information. According to the IRS, you must file estimated quarterly taxes if you anticipate:

  • Even after deducting your refundable credits (such as the earned income tax credit) and withholding, you will still owe $1,000 or more in federal income taxes this year.
  • Less than 90% of your tax due for this year, or 100% of your tax liability from last year, whichever is less, will be covered by your withholding and refundable credits. If your adjusted gross income for the previous year exceeded $150,000, or $75,000 if you are a married couple filing separately, the threshold is 110%.
  • The best candidates for anticipated quarterly taxes are independent contractors, freelancers, and persons with side jobs who anticipate owing $1,000 or more in taxes, according to Kane. She says that’s because there isn’t an automatic tax taken from their income.
  • Businesses that will owe at least $500 in income taxes for the tax year may also need to submit anticipated payments.

What happens if I forget to pay my quarterly taxes?

Penalties will be imposed by the IRS if your annual tax payments are insufficient. Even if you are entitled to a refund when you submit your tax return, the IRS may still impose penalties for late or insufficient payments. However, the following circumstances may exempt you from penalties:

You are at least sixty-two, retired or incapacitated this year or last year, and your underpayment was caused by “reasonable cause” rather than “willful neglect.” Alternatively, you were a victim of a calamity, disaster, or other extraordinary occurrence.

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